How did everything begin?..

While decorating our home we found that what we really wanted was much too expensive, while those articles we could afford did not warm the heart and soul…

That’s when we decided to create stylish interior articles ourselves. We bought simple items and made them unique and original. As a result, they formed the soul of our home and made every nook and cranny gently beautiful and unbelievably cozy.

For example, like this window, the mirror over the fireplace…

Or this window in the bathroom. Every morning when you wake up and see the sun shining in the window, and I believe it will be like that throughout the whole day!.. my heart is filled with joy and the goodness of everything I see…

There came the day when the house was built yet we can no longer stop ourselves from thinking of and creating wonderful things. That is how the Delyce House came into being – a house that our friends come to for inspiration, for new ideas and simply to be in a good mood.

So, we invite you to come to our house. It is open to all who wish to surround themselves with articles and items that are very beautiful, joyous, and at the same time, unique!

We sincerely hope that the pictures of our house will inspire you to serve a most beautiful breakfast in your garden, or simply, generate pleasant emotions.